Kallistero's Effects Maker - Back Entrance

Here, you can create, customize, and get code for visual effects like the ones you see on the back wall.

With this effects maker, you can customize the colors, the sizes of things, where things appear on the page, all sorts of stuff. At any point, you can also get the effect code and use the effect on your own site!

You can combine effects and use 2 or more of the same effect, for added effect! Once you start, the effects will just be full-screen versions of the ones on the back wall, but I encourage you, go hog wild with the settings!

EDIT FROM AUG-23-2023: The first prototype of the Effects Maker is now FUNCTIONAL, meaning you can now create effects AND get their code from the "GET THE CODE" menu!

EDIT FROM AUG-24-2023: Now preparing to remove this room and archive it on another page. With this room gone, I'll also remove the button in the middle of the screen!

When that's done, I still plan to keep working on this! I've wanted to make something that works first. After that, I'll be making it easier to use. I'll add some more features, too! Hope you enjoy!

- Kallistero

THIS IS AN ARCHIVE PAGE FOR THIS ROOM, which was created as a placeholder when the Effects Maker's page was first made.
